I have had a several people lately reach out and ask me how to properly smudge their homes. While there is not really any set of rules, here is a breakdown that might prove helpful
You will Need:
1 bundle of white sage or combination of clearing herbs that appeals to you. I love using Sage and Lavender together
A Lighter
A feather or your hand to waft the smoke
A burn-safe plate, bowl, candy dish, in native culture it’s a shell
A stick of incense and an incense burner
1.) Clean up the space you’re trying to smudge. Negativity builds up in places where you can’t get to, so it’s always a good idea to keep your house relatively tidy. Nobody keeps a pristine house, but before clearing negativity, it’s a good thing to clean up otherwise you might find yourself having to repeat the process
2.) Open one window or a door, but leave the others closed. If you plan on smoking the negativity out, how do you expect it to leave without an escape route? You must leave a point of exit, so open a window or door. Also, open any cabinets and drawers, and even the closet doors
3.) Focus your intent on clearing your space. As with anything, intent is 98% of the battle. See your negativity as icky bits of garbage throughout your house, and visualize the smoke chasing them out the door or window that you’ve left open
4.) Light your sage bundle at one end, and let it flame for about 10 seconds. This is to get the bundle smoking. Place your sage bundle in your burn safe container and begin to waft the smoke.
5.) I prefer doing a circle in each room for smoke distribution. I start in the center of the same room, and working counter-clockwise circle the room, I waft the smoke. Once I’ve finished the room, I go to the next room counter-clockwise from the room with the open window, and repeat until you’ve gotten every room in the house. Remember to get the smoke in corner to push the negativity out. I also send blessings out while smudging, but if this is not your gig, then don’t. Do what works for YOU
6.) Once you’ve finished, waft smoke out of the window in three long strokes, and close the window. Leave the herbs to snuff out. It is important to light a stick of incense (sandalwood or frankincense & myrrh are great choices) after smudging. Fill the space with something nice and positive after removing the negative and call it a day!
You Have a Clean and Clear House!
The post Smudging 101 appeared first on Psychic Medium Jessica Costello.